The Shuar birth: between being born at home or being born in the hospital

  • Rosana Posligua Gordillo Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
Keywords: birth - shuar - gender - health - women - Amazonia


This article analizes the relationship between the biomedical system and the Shuar through the itineraries of Shuar women around childbirth. The purpose is to understand the scope and limitations of the systems. The research was carried out in the Sucúa Canton -Province of Morona Santiago-. The analysis period included from 2012 to 2014, years after the promulgation of the policy on “culturally appropriate childbirth” in 2008. In this qualitative research, the methodology used was inscribed in the relational analysis between health models, under the criteria of hegemony/subalternity. In addition, the gender approach was used to apply to the institutional articulation - health units - and the women who attended those units. The techniques used were the semi-structured interview carried out with Shuar men and women; as well as the observation of births. The research confirmed that Shuar women, although they prefer their system, also use the biomedical services to solve their health problems. Furthermore, it was concluded that public policy tends to advance institutional birth over home birth or the own system.

How to Cite
Posligua Gordillo, R. (2024). The Shuar birth: between being born at home or being born in the hospital. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (29), 80-94.