Looking up: anthropological studies of elites in Ecuador

  • Soledad Varea IAEN
Keywords: Anthropology of elites - outrage as a motive - Ecuador.


This article explains how anthropological studies of elites have developed in Ecuador. It is argued that there is a strong critique against bourgeoisie, and indigenous essentialisms coming from them. In addition, these studies use anthropological concepts such as kinship, symbols, and habitus to analyze the composition of bourgeois families and their livelihood in society. Also, political proposals presented based on the critique of the inequality of social classes, and outrage as a motive.

How to Cite
Varea, S. (2021). Looking up: anthropological studies of elites in Ecuador. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (25), 82-91. https://doi.org/10.26807/ant.vi25.272
Tema: estudios de antropología y arqueología