Anthropological approaches to biomedicine from an intercultural approach to the medical appointment

  • Roberto España Bustos


With the purpose of developing an academic program for the exchange of knowledge and perceptions about health care in the area of the medical appointment, a reflexive exercise is proposed to dialogue, from an anthropological approach, on different notions about the importance of intercultural social practice and its impact on spaces of biosocial interaction in the field of medical sciences. For this, the medical appointment is analyzed from the perspective of biopolitics and the presence of the body is considered in spaces for the construction of realities based on an ontological notion of the patients’ lives.


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How to Cite
España Bustos, R. (2019). Anthropological approaches to biomedicine from an intercultural approach to the medical appointment. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (22), 74-84.
Tema: Interculturalidad y procesos interculturales en América Latina